
Showing posts from January, 2022

shamanism & hunting ... google led me to damien hope's rarther wonderful blog ... full of information and ideas ... and wonderfully illustrated


professor david nutt ... not a shaman but with important things to say about human emotions and the way people use drugs and alcohol


shamanism and hunting ... there ought to be plenty to say on the connection so we'll start here ... you have to start somewhere !

Image Numerous cases have been documented in which the  Hudson’s Bay Company  relocated the Naskapi from post to post purely for its own commercial purposes, and without any concern as to whether the areas where the posts were situated offered the Naskapi the possibility of harvesting the fish and game that they required for food as well as the fur-bearers that the Company sought. In several instances, individual managers, apparently dissatisfied with the Naskapi’ seeming lack of commitment to trapping withheld from them the ammunition that they needed to hunt for food, thereby directly causing a considerable number of deaths from starvation.